Metal Large Letters

Case Study: Fabricating Large Metal Letters for Sharp Corners Park Redevelopment in Wisconsin

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Sharp Corners Large 3D Metal Letters

Sharp Corners Park is located in Watertown, Wisconsin. The Park and Recreation Commission approved final designs for the Sharp Corner Park redevelopment. As part of this redevelopment effort, WhiteClouds was commissioned to fabricate these tall permanent outdoor metal letters spelling out “Sharp Corner”. The letters were funded by the Watertown Redevelopment Authority.

The original concept designs created for the redevelopment commission are shown below.

These outdoor permanent letters were 3D designed by our team of designers with an Arial font. Once the final design was completed, our proofs were sent to the customer for final approval.

The large letters were then cut, shaped, and welded to fabricate the aluminum metal letters. The letters were 3′ tall and 18″ deep. The Aluminum material makes for a great solution for outdoor letters, providing a rust-free solution.

Installation brackets were designed into the letters allowing for an easy and permanent solution. These brackets were pre-drilled, then pre-welded to the bottoms of the letters which made it very easy to bolt into the concrete once the letters arrived on-site. Once the welding was completed, a thorough grinding process was then completed, making sure there were no sharp or rough edges remaining anywhere on the letters.

Once the letters were completely built, our paint crew applied an acidic primer and then applied an automotive finish to match their pre-selected pantone color. Each letter weighed approximately 45 pounds.


The video below shows exactly how easy it is to make these awesome looking letters permanent. The installation process:

Gallery of Sharp Corners Metal Large Letters

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