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WhiteClouds Press Releases

January 6, 2016

WhiteClouds, the largest full-color 3D-printing services company in the world, today announced the acquisition of 3DplusMe, a leader in 3D capture-to-print branded experiences

October 22, 2015

… today announced its expansion into a new 60,000 square foot facility and the installation of 14 additional full-color 3D printers from 3D Systems (NYSE: DDD) into their production line. 

July 14, 2015

Over the last two and a half years WhiteClouds has quickly grown from a small startup company carving out a place in the 3D printing space, to an established 3D printing and modeling firm serving clients worldwide and a lab with 18 commercial 3D printers — and counting.

April 17, 2015

NASA astrophysicists now know more about Eta Carinae, one of the most mysterious and brightest star systems, thanks in part to 3D printing technology. Eta Carinae is a star system made up of two large stars–the smaller of the two orbits the larger star in a 5-year cycle.

Detailed Architectural Model of the House

January 5, 2015

At CES 2015(#71918 in Tech West, Level 2, of the Sands Expo), WhiteClouds will reveal its most incredible architectural model ever created.

Mining Topography

September 30, 2014

3D printing service WhiteClouds 3D printed the topography of an area in Northern Nevada to demonstrate the technology.

August 12, 2014

Lubbock, Texas — The American Wind Power Center (AWPC) has partnered with WhiteClouds to create scale models of historic windmills using computer aided design and 3D printing.

June 13, 2014

WhiteClouds is excited to unveil its Residential and Commercial 3D-Printed Models and associated services this week at AIA 2014 in Chicago.

April 7, 2014

WhiteClouds, a 3D printing and modeling service company, is demonstrating its capabilities at Mediabistro’s Inside 3D Conference and Expo. WhiteClouds’ display is located at the Javits Convention Center in the Maker Pavilion, booths M522 and M523.

December 4, 2013

WhiteClouds, a 3D printing service company, launches today with the goal to bring 3D printing to the masses. The company provides 3D printing and 3D design services and creates educational media, including videos, images and articles, and provides the tools to explore and create 3D printables (any object that can be 3D printed).